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Submitted by: JMH
VietnamA girl who's finally seeing all of her dreams and goals being manifested.
For all those out there who are having trouble in successfully using The Secret, I hope this story shows you that patience and commitment will pay off at the end!
So, I’ve been practicing The Secret for a while now, a few months already. But, it always seemed to me that things just didn’t work out as I had hoped they would. I would really want something and try my best to manifest it using The Secret, but to little avail. In fact, ever since I started believing in it, things just seemed to be getting worse. That never stopped me in believing though.
Every night I would read stories on this site over and over again, and every night I would write a gratitude journal. I was becoming even more and more desperate because my finals were coming up, the grades from which would be sent to universities. I really wanted to do well but there was this one subject I felt especially nervous about- History. For everyone who takes IB History, you should all be familiar with how difficult and challenging the subject is. Well, at least, it is for me.
Anyway, for our exams, we had to write two essays on Chinese history, without knowing the questions until the day of the tests. So, the night before I took the exam, I literally prayed and asked for this one question to be in it and this one question to not. But guess what? On the day, the question that I really did NOT want to be on it was right there, written on our papers. At that moment I was panicking- real bad. I thought to myself, please, please, help me Secret! Then, the most unbelievable thing happened. My teacher literally came in seconds later and told me that I would not be answering the question. He told me that he wanted me to answer another one and… IT WAS THE ONE I HAD HOPED FOR 😀 !!! Goosebumps ran up my arms and I nearly cried. The Secret is totally real!
This is only one of the things that have happened to me this week that has confirmed to me how awesome The Secret is. So, don’t give up guys! You may be thinking that it just doesn’t work for you- I did too. But just keep believing in it, look around you and be grateful and thankful for everything (your family, your friends, … this really helped me change my entire outlook on life) and don’t forget to be positive, and happy!
It is difficult. I know because I’ve been through all that for nearly a whole year. But just keep believing and I assure you, no I promise you that your hopes, your dreams WILL be manifested!
I hope you all realize the beauty in living the life of The Secret and I hope you all achieve your goals and your dreams. Thank you so much Rhonda Byrne for literally changing my life!