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Healing through the power of intention
Submitted by: Dave Browne
Las Vegas NVI am a 53 year old male that has been in a program of recovery for over 9 years now. I found a new spiritual path in July of 05, and found the Secret in July of 06. It has truly changed my life.
I recently moved back to Las Vegas after a year in Colorado, and now have a motorcycle as my only means of transportation. While riding into work one night at at 12:30 in the morning, I was involved in a hit and run accident that left me laying in the middle of the road with a dislocated shoulder and several bruises and road rash on both hands. Fortunately 2 guys stopped and helped me get out of the road so that I wasn’t a speed bump for the next car coming.
Anyway, after going to the hospital and getting my shoulder put back in place and about 3 months of therapy, and still not having any use of my right arm, I had an MRI done. When the Dr. came in he stated, “I’ve seen a lot of MRI results but I have never seen one as bad as yours.” Out of the 4 muscles in my shoulder, 3 were completely severed with no connective tissue between them. I couldn’t raise my right arm more than a few inches away from my side. I was sent to 2 orthopedic surgeons and both said I needed a prosthesis put into my shoulder for it work right. As I am still fairly young this would involve several more surgeries during my lifetime, as the prosthesis would wear out every few years.
I didn’t accept this prognosis, and started to envision my shoulder healing itself. As I would lay in bed at night I would place my left hand on my shoulder and vision the muscles reattaching and growing back together. Within a a few weeks I was able to lift my arm to almost 90 degrees. When I showed the Dr, he was amazed. He kept telling me, “You can’t do that.” I would reply, “I know. Ain’t it cool.” The Dr would reiterate that the muscles don’t reattach and that what I was doing just couldn’t happen. I refused to believe him and continued to vision my shoulder healing, and now 8 months after my accident I can raise my arm straight up over my head. There is still room for improvement and there are times it reminds me that there is still damage in my shoulder, but I continue to vision it healing and it gets better every day.
The power of intention is truly amazing, and what you put out into the universe you truly get back multiplied over and over again.