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Have Faith, The Universe Has Our Backs!
Submitted by: Sanju ❤️
IndiaI am the luckiest and most blessed child of the Universe.
Before reading The Secret book and watching The Secret movie, I was unknowingly using the law of attraction.
I have many manifestation stories right from childhood and I would love to share one of those on this wonderful platform for all my lovely friends here.
I love watching Brooklyn 99 on Netflix. It is a wonderful sitcom which helps me lift up my spirits and makes me laugh all the time.
I am in the process of manifesting something that I desire. Yesterday in the early morning I was not feeling alright and that was why I started watching Brooklyn 99 on Netflix late at night. While I was watching the show I still had doubts and some negative thoughts about manifesting what I wanted in the back of my mind. When I became aware of this, I remember that I saw in one specific episode of Brooklyn 99 that had colorful parrots. My instant reaction was to think,
Dear Universe, if you have my back be kind enough to show me a parrot. I just had this one thought and then I forgot about it.
Fast forward to today in the evening. Normally I take walks in my building compound. However, for the last two days, I felt like taking my walks on the terrace. Today in the evening I did not feel like going to the terrace but I went because of my inner voice which kept telling me to go.
It was only for 5 minutes and while taking my walk I was using my phone when suddenly I had an urge to look up and OMG! I saw not one but lots of parrots!!
Mind you, we do not have parrots in our area, and when I saw them I literally had goosebumps, stood still, and yelled, “Oh my God!” Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Within a few minutes, 3 beautiful parrots flew close to me and I could not stop saying thank you to the Universe!
Have faith the Universe always has our back!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!