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Gratitude And Faith Can Bring Miracles!
Submitted by: E.G.
Toronto, ONA firm believer in the LOA, The Secret, The Magic and The Power.
I would like to start by thanking the Universe and God for bringing me The Secret during one of the lowest points of my life.
We moved here to Canada less than five years ago from the Middle East. My parents had great jobs and had been living their lives without much trouble but then the migration turned everything upside down because my parents struggled to find jobs in their respective fields.
The only aspect of life that was going right was my academics, where I fared very well. Well, soon that went downhill too. I had never struggled in my entire high school career up until grade 12. I made some bad course selections and a couple of other mistakes later.
By the near of the end of 2nd Semester, I stumbled upon The Secret. I have no idea how or what lead me to it. Maybe because I started looking for more positivity in life.
After learning The Secret, I realized the reason for my struggle in grade 12 and the negative happenings in my life. A few months after our move, I started a little journal practice. I chose a journal app, where I would “vent out” my anger, and also put my achievements and my good and bad memories. While venting out my anger and sadness, I would write stuff like “I don’t think these problems are going to end” or “I know nothing is going to change for the better”. In a way, I was practicing the LOA, but in an extremely wrong way.
After finishing all three of The Secret book series, I went on the app and deleted all my negative entries. I started a gratitude journal where I thanked the Universe and God for every small but positive thing I had.
The first miracle showed when my dad, who wasn’t ready to do any courses that would easily get him a job in his field, readily said yes when we tried to sign him up for a six-month course! That was huge.
My trust and faith in the Universe and LOA strengthened when I read the stories on this site. I know this is just the beginning and things are going to get even better. I know I will do well in my exams now and my future education and career. I will receive everything I have asked for on my vision board and wishlist. Thank you, thank you, thank you!