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Submitted by: G. Smith
Long Island, N.YI would like to begin by saying, thank you Rhonda for the new book “The Power”. For the last few months, I have been going through so much. For the first time in my life I understand why. I have been drawing so much negativity into my life through my thoughts. I feel like a new person. I have let go of so much envy and jealousy that was destroying me. I also had so much low self esteem. I never felt I was good enough to have an abundant life.
Since reading your book and The Master Key System, I feel I have a whole new life opened to me. I am going through so much financially because of the way I was taught to think about money, but after reading your book I now have so much more hope for my future. Every day I begin by being grateful for the new day and looking forward to creating my day. It is not easy, but I read The Power over and over, and say thank you throughout the day. I have also been asking god to strengthen my faith.
I have been playing the lottery, and for the first time in my life I feel I too can win. I won $776.00 last night in the take five. I feel that was because I used the tools from The Power. I know I will hit the big one soon – then I will share that with you.
Thank you so much, and may God continue to bless you.
G. Smith