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Got The Secret Back.
Submitted by: Anuja
IndiaA Secret believer. Gratitude is my new attitude.
Thank you, everyone, from The Secret team for your hard work and for introducing the world to The Secret.
Actually, I had recently started reading The Secret book and I carried the book where ever I went. When I went to my workplace, my office changed due to renovations and I misplaced my book. I tried searching everywhere. My husband told me to buy a new book but something in my mind said to use this to test the law of attraction. I just told myself I would get my book back, it is here, not lost. It is my book and it will come to me. Then I left for vacation for 13 days.
When I returned to work I again started searching. Then suddenly I realised by searching, I believed that it was lost, so I immediately stopped searching and just thanked my book for being with me. I went and opened the cupboard and guess what?
The book was right there waiting for me in the same place that I had already searched multiple times! I was so happy and grateful I got my book back.
The law of attraction works, just ask, believe and let go. The Universe grants all your wishes.
I take this opportunity to thank everyone for their inspiring stories. I read them daily and they always make my day. Thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone.