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I Got My Ex Boyfriend Back!
Submitted by: PandaFunk
Zimbabwe HarareI'm a girl of few words. I make it a point to be real and true with everything and everyone I encounter.
Wow I want to start off by saying that the mind really is a powerful tool, use it properly and amazing things can happen in your life.
So I had been with my boyfriend for a really long time, we really loved each other. Our relationship was amazing, he made me feel amazing. I really thought that I couldn’t be happy without him but that’s where I was wrong, I later realized this.
So imagine how shocked I was when he suddenly broke up with me because he wasn’t feeling the relationship. I was devastated and broken because I really loved him and I hadn’t realized how much I loved him until he broke off things with me.
I went through a period where I cried myself to sleep every night. I thought I couldn’t deal with this on my own, I felt really lonely. My friends were supportive but they didn’t really understand what I was going through. I always tried to get his attention by telling my friends to talk to him for me. I would wait day and night just to get any contact from him. I missed him so much to the point where I would call him but my caller ID would be hidden just so I could hear his voice again.
To make it worse he started becoming romantically interested in my friend. Of course, immediately she asked me if I was okay with it. I told her I was but to be honest I really wasn’t. This is when I started hating myself because I felt like I lacked.
That’s when I realized that if I want something I have to get it for myself. Enough was enough! I couldn’t continue dwelling in my misery, I had to do something, anything! I knew about the law of attraction but it was very hard for me to apply because I kept having negative thoughts.
One of the things that I learnt is that if you want to attract back someone you love, it’s not about them, it’s about you. If you want to attract love you need to vibrate love, start by loving yourself! So every morning when I rose and every evening when I went to sleep I would stand in front of the mirror and tell myself how much I love myself. It sounds silly but it’s not . It really makes you appreciate yourself. I also listed all the positive things about myself. I would also affirm that me and my boyfriend were back together.
I decided that I needed to do what’s best for me so I began doing things that made me happy. I also realized that I didn’t need anyone to make me happy. I am the captain of my life so I needed to take charge.
Another important thing that I learnt about attracting the one you love back is that you have to be willing to let go. It sounds crazy that you have to let go of the thing you want the most but if you keep missing him or wanting him you will send vibrations to the universe that you are lacking and the universe will only give you what you attract which is lack. That is why you need to let them go. That is how the law of attraction works. You need to have faith and believe that once you have asked for something you will receive it, just be expectant and let go. Believe that the universe has your best interests at heart and give it all to the universe, this makes manifestation process faster.
So this one night I decided to let it all go and just let the universe do it’s thing. I let it all go and stopped thinking about how I would get my boyfriend back. Instead I thought about how I already have my boyfriend back and I was expectant. Another thing about letting go is to stop thinking of how it will come, just think about the end result when it has come.
The very next day I went out with my friends for drinks. We went to a popular place that people usually go. That’s where I saw him my ex and surprisingly I was calm. I even saw him flirting with other girls. Before I had started using the law of attraction this would have really upset me but since I had learnt about the ways of the law this had no effect to my emotions. I just continued to have positive thoughts and I decided that I would let him have his fun while I had my fun. Later that evening my ex’s friends joined my friends and I. I was surprisingly having a good time with him and I had no ill thoughts about how he had hurt me.
When I got home I reflected on how much fun that I had actually had and that this was the happiest I had been since the breakup. I realized that wow, I really don’t need him to have a good time. That’s when I had completely let go of him.
That same night I got a call from him and he told me about how much he missed me and wanted to get back together. I was in shock and I burst into happiness! I didn’t know what to do with myself, that’s how happy I was. I had finally heard the words I had been wanting to hear in a long time. I had finally gotten what I wanted. I could never be more grateful.
And now my relationship with him is even better than it was before, we are still madly in love.
Him breaking up with me taught me to love myself and now I understand that I don’t need someone else to be happy. Wow, even right now I’m still in a state of ecstasy and I’m overjoyed that I managed to get my lover back. If I can do this so can you, everyone has got the power .
You just have to believe.