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Submitted by: R.G.
United StatesI use The Secret’s powerful practices every day, and my life has turned into an amazing existence. My fiance was skeptical about the LOA, because he couldn’t see the link between thoughts and the physical world. I was okay with this, and I didn’t force any of my beliefs or practices on him, and remained grateful for his love and kindness as my perfect future husband!
He was applying to go to graduate schools all over the West Coast in a field he had almost no experience in: Art. He knew that was what he wanted to do with all his heart, and I encouraged him in every way possible. Being the practical guy he is, he decided to apply to four schools: one he knew he’d get in, two he mostly knew he’d get in, and one with a 50/50 chance. I told him to also apply for a “wild card” school, his dream school, just for the heck of it. He agreed. His wild card school is the 11th best school in the nation for the field he applied in. It is one of the 60th best in the world. He was very skeptical he’d get in, but since this school had the first deadline of all of them, he applied to it first.
Everything seemed to go wrong with the application process. He forgot to include an important piece, and had to send it separately. The school did not receive another piece he knew he had sent. This was all very discouraging for him. I kept saying, “I KNOW you’re getting into this school!” I said it with such utter knowing, he got goosebumps while we were in the middle of the supermarket. That’s when I knew he knew it too, somewhere deep inside.
We knew we’d receive the acceptance letter sometime in November. He was already getting edgy and stressed. He was so stressed out that I said, “Okay! I’ve had enough! We are going to think positive and use the LOA!” And I went on the computer and wrote him a letter of acceptance, using the school’s logo. I went on the school’s website and picked a random name for a signature. He posted it on the wall above his desk so he could see it every day.
Last week the school let him know he’d get his letter this week. He checked the mail every day and was so sad when it wasn’t there. I did a dual visualization with him: The letter is on its way. It’s in a huge envelope with all the information you need inside to enroll. When you get it, we’re going to jump up and down with joy, etc. He participated in these visualizations, I think, almost out of desperation.
This Friday as I was in the shower, I got a feeling his letter is coming in TODAY! I told him, and he said, “We’ll see.” To make a long story short, the big package WAS in the mail. It said CONGRATULATIONS on the envelope, so we already knew what was inside. We jumped up and down with joy! He took the letter I typed and put it side by side with the letter he received and we all got goosebumps. The letter I wrote was dated November 15th, 2010. The letter he received was dated November 19th, 2010. It said a very similar message, and it was signed by the same individual I had randomly picked from the website months before! Tears rolled down my eyes as we both realized: The Law of Attraction is REAL!
Use it to give yourself an amazing manifestation that will give YOU goosebumps!