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Submitted by: Eleonora
NCA college senior trying to live a happy life.
It’s been a few years now since I’ve seen and read The Secret and applied it. Even though sometimes I forget, other times I remember how to do it right. I am really grateful for my life and all the people that surround me.
I’ve always known that I am the luckiest person ever, and this story is proof that there is always something amazing waiting to happen. It is also a reminder that the most fantastic things happen very randomly.
On Sunday night I was walking home at 12:10 am after closing at work. My home is just a 10 minutes walk from my work. I was tired and was just walking mindlessly when a firetruck slowed down. The driver asked me if I was walking far, I told him that it was a short walk. He then offered me a ride, and I denied at first. But then it hit me that the driver was offering me a ride home ON A FIRETRUCK.
Thus I accepted the ride, and got to sit in the back of the truck for about 2 minutes. I got to chat with the firefighters in there, and they drove me to my apartment.
This story might not seem much but it made my entire day, and really got me excited. I had never even thought about riding in a firetruck, but it just happened so randomly. It was amazing because it was my first time in a firetruck, and at the same time it showed me human kindness. I am really grateful for these firefighters that randomly happened to drive down the road while I was walking home at midnight.
I wish everybody reading this the best, and I am sending you my positive vibration and all the love in the world.
Thank you for everything!