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Faith And Patience.
Submitted by: Tripti Garg
IndiaHey, my name is Tripti. I have been working as a content writer for years. I have a Master’s Degree in English Literature and a Bachelor’s Degree in English (Hons).
I am so happy and grateful for having a beautiful family.
There had been times when my family was going through an extremely difficult time, especially my father. My father and brother were on bad terms. But I had faith and believed that everything would turn out to be in my favour.
I believed that everything that was currently happening was only temporary and that everything would be okay. And it did work out that way! However, it required a lot
of patience. I just had to go with the flow.
Today we are a happy and healthy family, better than we ever were before. We eat together, we sit together, we spend so much time together. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This can only happen when the entire Universe is with you and you refuse to give up, even in the toughest of situations.
So, thank you to my guardian angel for listening to my prayers, and for giving me what I wanted. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Universe, for everything. You always give me what I want and you will always give me what I want in future as well. Thank you, thank you, thank you!