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Failed Twice; Only To Get All India Rank
Submitted by: Chartered Accountant
Chennai, IndiaYet another successful career woman! ;) :)
Okay, so I’ve been into the Law of Attraction scene for a while now. Only, I was lazy and unenthusiastic to actually DO anything about it. And when I finally realized the goal I had etched in my sub-conscious mind 2 years ago, I was blown away by the magic. 🙂
I got the book about 2 years ago while preparing for my CA Intermediate exams. (CA exams are THE toughest exams in India) And I agree, I’m not a hard-worker. I like getting things easily. And when I found out about The Secret first, I misinterpreted it and just didn’t study. It was a miracle that I managed to even clear 5/6 subjects! However, I had to repeat 3 subjects (1 group) because I had failed just 1 subject. At that time, I was busy feeling sorry for myself and not thanking the Universe for passing me in ONE GROUP. It took me two attempts to finally crack the exam. But more than visualization, I think I went through the harder path of whining-cramming-studying to pass it.
I was to appear for my CA Finals in May. And once again, I found myself repeating the same mistakes all over again. And one fine day, the magnitude of my actions got to me and I ended up crying bitterly for a whole week! (Yes, guilty!!!!) Whenever I tried to feel the gratitude, all I felt was guilt! So I stopped. After the tears dried up, I was left with my books. I decided to make studying fun this time. I knew I had less time. (others had started preparations 6 months back! I had only 3 weeks!) but I believed that I would appear and clear my examinations.
– I printed out a marksheet with the marks I desired (a technique I read here)
– I studied little by little everyday. It wasn’t much compared to the 16-18 hours my friends were putting in each day but I knew it was enough.
– Before every new lesson, I imagined myself understanding the concepts very well. I saw words from the books fly into my brain, etching in my memory forever.
And before I knew it, exams were upon us! And I did what I could. I imagined the end result – ME passing the CA examinations. I didn’t care for the cursed “HOWs”. I still do not know how I wrote my exams. I never checked my answers with the answer-key. All I know is I felt wonderful before AND after the exams.
After an intense 20 day period, I was finally free of exams!!! But did I stop visualizing? No! In fact, I didn’t even stop studying! I did whatever I could to take me forward – to realize my goal of becoming a Chartered Accountant. I read all the subjects again in-depth, I kept visualizing every single day.
And 2 months later, the results were announced. I had cleared! 🙂 And even better, I got an ALL INDIA RANK of 24!! Isn’t that wonderful? Not too shabby for a girl who failed the Intermediate twice, eh? 😀
I’ve realized something important – all these exams were just tiny challenges. Our goal has to be something beyond just “passing an exam”. Even when I was pessimistic during Intermediate exam days, there was one faith that never shook and I repeated it to anybody who would listen – that I would be a Chartered Accountant in 2012. And I think THAT VISION has what has come true – not the tiny goals of clearing exams. 🙂
I’m sorry for the long post. But I wanted to share my amazing experience! I am so delighted! 🙂 Thank you to Team Secret and all you wonderful people who share your stories!