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Every Thing I Wanted!!!
Submitted by: Vk
IndiaA believer!
I can’t believe I have got every single thing I wanted in my life. To make it short, the person I loved the most who hated me, began to love me back and we are going out for 5 years! That which seemed the most impossible had worked! So I felt that if it will work for this, it will definitely work for anything else!
And, I got everything! I wanted to start earning enough to be independent financially and I started getting so many job offers that now I can really choose what I want to do!
I got the kind of house I always wanted to live in. Even though my parents are paying the rent, I soon will be able to afford paying on my own!!
And most unbelievable of all is my height! I have been 5’4 inches all my life and being 19 years old, I never thought I could grow any taller to get into the perfect body shape I always dreamed of. I thought I would give it a try. I began eating all the good nutritious food and would do basic exercises telling myself that every single bit of food I eat is going to help me grow. I removed the fact that I was already 19 years old out of my mind and said to myself that I am just a normal young teenager who is growing tall. And guess what?!! I grew 4 inches taller in 3 months!! Everyone kept asking me how I managed to do that. I kept saying I just believed that I could!!! It is funny that they don’t believe me though!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!