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Eternally Grateful For The Law of Attraction.
Submitted by: Believer.
IndiaAnalyst. Believer.
Hello All. I am so happy to share my story with everyone. With the help of The Secret, I manifested my dream partner, who is my fiance now and soon we are going to get married. I also manifested my dream job with my dream package. I will join the new job in a few days. I have manifested good health and happiness. I am literally crying while typing this. I am so grateful to Rhonda and the team for The Secret.
I have been using The Secret for years and it has always been very beneficial for me. I used to write what my dream partner would be like and how we would spend our time together. I used to visualize myself with him, being happy, laughing, and in love. I also used to visualise telling all of my friends about my new job and how I felt about it. It has really worked for me always. All I can tell you all, is, believe. It will all come true for you too. Happy visualizing!