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Escaping A Tragic Love
Submitted by: K. Elizabeth
Liverpool, UKAn 18 year old girl who has found The Secret just in time for her life to start.
I was newly eighteen when I discovered The Secret. I finished the book in a day and then watched the film that night. I was and remain captivated.
I had recently had a dreadful year. A year that happened to take all of my happiness and crush it. My family background has always been abusive with constant affairs and domestic violence. I got kicked out of my sixth form where I was completing my A-levels due to low attendance. Looking back now, it was my own fault as I had felt sorry for myself every day, refusing to get out of bed to face the world. I used to conjure up ways to commit suicide daily and not long after I was diagnosed with clinical depression. I had zero confidence in my appearance and my ability.
I’d been in a relationship with a man that I loved. It started out incredible, he was manly, protective, incredibly handsome and everything that I needed. I had never felt safe like that before. I’d never loved before. He made me feel like the only girl in the world.
However time went on and he slowly began to differentiate and shift from the personality I fell completely in love with. He became unemployed and I know this killed him. He was restless and agitated as he kept focusing on the negatives of trying to get work. Now I know that he was just sending out the wrong signals and the law of attraction was confirming all his terrible thoughts.
His personality changed. He did not trust me and made my life difficult if I was ever to go out. He would turn nasty and never let me go home. He would put me down to restore faith in his own capabilities. He would never leave when I asked him to and if I ever tried to leave him or gain space he would threaten to kill himself.
It got to the point where I was being constantly threatened with suicide. He disliked all of my friends and family and eventually I had nobody left. I felt alienated. We had sole dependence on each other and it became very unhealthy and we were both extremely negative.
After reading The Secret I began to realize that I can be anybody I desire. The only person I am dependent on is myself! I only had to want it and ask the universe, it was that simple! All of a sudden my life was my own again and I had found strength. I read it repeatedly and absorbed all of the information. I now take my book everywhere I go and if in doubt I read and read and write down all the things I am grateful for. My life is now completely unrecognizable from before.
In terms of completion of my A-levels, I am now in a new sixth form and I am at the top of all of my classes. I have asked the universe for 3 A’s this year and I do not doubt that I will achieve them.
I then moved on to the other aspect of my life, my relationship. After trying to end my relationship for a very long time I asked the universe to let me be single. I wanted to find myself and escape the manipulative hold of my love.
Within a week the relationship was over!
I could not believe it. I had my number changed and deleted all forms of my social networking accounts. I was free. I ignored all the vicious threats from his family and kept thinking positive. I knew the law of attraction would make them all go away if I wanted them to.
My depression is no more!
I have not had one negative though regarding myself since discovering The Secret.
I know that I need to love me before others can love me.
I know that if my Ex read The Secret, he could be saved. Our relationship could be saved and restored to how it was in the beginning. I would love that. I want him to have faith in himself and what we had instead of constantly punishing himself and those around him.
I am currently setting up a mood board in my bedroom. I have a picture of us on it. I want my old relationship back before all of the turmoil.
I hope to find love, if not with him then at least a love like his.
I will always love him and I hope that he saves himself through The Secret. The world has so much potential for him and he could achieve so much. I know that one day he will come back to me whole.
I will let you know how our lives turn out but for now I am happy. I have all my desires upon my new mood board and I cannot wait to receive them all through the power of The Secret!