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Dream Beach.
Submitted by: Jefferson Gonçalves app
Aichi-Toyohashi -japanI am a Brazilian living in Japan.
My name is Jefferson. I am Brazilian and I live in Japan! I started to read the book, The Secret, and I found out that I was already using the law of attraction but I had never realized it before. I was already using the mindset that was described in the book. Then I got to the visualization part so I decided to do a test on purpose. I live near several beaches so I went to one of them with my wife. When I got there I visualized a certain type of shell. I imagined the shell’s color, its shape, and the other characteristics of the shell. Then I told my wife about it. And incredibly, I found exactly the shell that I visualized! The Secret and the law of attraction really do work! Thank you for The Secret.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!