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Dont just follow your dreams, chase them!
Submitted by: Valentina
New zealand17 year old romantic, can't wait to travel and get married!
This is a (bit of a romantic) story about my biggest dream which became reality 🙂
In high school I met a boy, who was just a friend at first, and after getting to know each other for 6 months we finally admitted we had crushes on each other. He asked me to my formal dance and everything was going perfectly and then a few weeks later he asked to be my boyfriend. I was REALLY happy about this because we had gone through some tough times and arguments and this showed that he thought the relationship was worth it!
At this stage of my life I still hadn’t heard about The Secret and I didn’t know the huge effects our thoughts have on what we attract.
I was falling for him so much but I let fear and doubt creep in. Like “maybe I’m not perfect enough for him” “maybe he will get cold feet” “I’m scared that this will become a disaster!”
yeah, you can probably guess what happened next?
Only a couple of weeks of being officially “boyfriend and girlfriend”.. he started being more distant and one day he just said, “I’m just not ready for a commited relationship”.
*heart breaks into a thousand million pieces*
I was one very sad and a depressed girl for months!
One year went by..
I was in my last year of high school and he moved to Australia to work and we lost contact for ages. I started thinking, there’s gotta be a way out of this mess. Then I came across The Secret! Best thing that ever happened to me!! Those last few months of high school were the best ever! I tried surfing, long-boarding, went on roadtrips and festivals and got really good marks in my exams!
It took a lot of self convincing but I eventually started to believe that he would get in touch with me and that we would be together in perfection.
I spent that summer working on loving myself, I got as healthy as possible, practiced gratitude, positive self talk, and when ever I thought about him I would think “Where ever he is, I send him happiness and I let him free”
One fine summer day a little message appeared on facebook “Hey 🙂 Sorry I haven’t been on facebook for ages, how are you??”
And so for the next few months with the power of my positive thinking, he moved back to New Zealand, got my cellphone number and started texting me lots. I made sure I stayed an independant strong happy girl and he definitely noticed and started complimenting me on lots of photos.
For his birthday I sent him a letter and some milkshake lollies, his favourite! And he sent me a postcard 🙂
And the best part is the whole time I had been dreaming and dreaming every night of him cuddling me in bed with his hands around me and day dreaming of the perfect kiss.
Last week he hitchiked to my city and visited me at my flat and we hung out and talked for hours. It was excactly like I imagined but better! We didn’t sleep at all until 7.30am because we were talking and laughing so much, and had the perfect kiss!
Now he is back in his city and possibly moving further away but that’s okay with me. What ever makes him happy, will make me happy. And I have faith that when the right time comes, he will tell me “I love you”. I daydream every day that we will travel together to exotic places and ride hot air balloons and drive motorbikes! I’m such a romantic, he will propose to me in ireland 🙂
Until then I’ll keep being the best me I possibly can. I’ll work hard, make new friends, try new things, send love to the universe, stay healthy and positive and follow all my dreams!
And possibly write a romance novel!