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Discussion With The Universe.
Submitted by: Venus S.
GreeceI am a female who created my own business from nowhere by using The Secret without knowing it. I want to find my soulmate and my way to express the desire to bring joy and happiness to people.
Many thanks and Magic Dust to everyone who took part in this wonderful production, The Secret, and especially to Rhonda. She makes me feel like I know her every time I read her books! I feel very grateful and lucky to take part in this site!
I saw The Secret movie in October 2013 and immediately read The Power and The Magic. I felt so good! I was depressed at the time, but suddenly, I started being happy! People thought I was in love with someone really good, and I was! With myself!
I used The Magic doing the 28 days of The Magic practices, and good things started happening in my life. I got easy parking almost every day, I met new, useful, and supportive people, I had better relationships with friends and family, but most importantly, I was not feeling depressed anymore.
However, some of my “easy” wishes came true, and some of them happened only to a point, not being truly fulfilled. So, my faith was unsettled, and I felt like a fool every time I imagined my “better life.” It seemed like only my small desires were coming true. But I never stopped believing that I have the love and protection of God and the Universe.
Today in the morning, I was searching for a parking spot for a lot longer than I had at other times. So, I took the chance to encourage my faith by playing with the Universe and started asking for parking. I controlled my thoughts and focused only on positive and fun things. I let it go by saying out loud in my car, “I did my job, and now I leave it all up to you to show me the good parking. I totally trust you.”
I was going straight on the road when I was stopped for a while by some traffic. Suddenly, I noticed that at the place where my car was stopped, there was another road on my left I could take. I felt so sure at that moment that this was the Universe talking to me! I had to have trust, and though the traffic was stopped in front of me, I took the other road. I was talking out loud to the Universe, saying, “I know you have something better for me here, but where is it? I know that you know better.” As I turned and turned again to another road, I was about to leave the road when I saw someone who had just pulled out of a parking space for me, and it was much better than I had expected! It was as if the Universe was calling me!
I felt so good! I found my faith again! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
All this time I was reading all these wonderful stories here, and trying to understand why the things I wanted the most still were not happen for me. I was totally sure that I was doing something wrong. Today, this small thing helped me understand what I did wrong. I was trying to control the end result and did not have true faith. I finally understood what letting it go means. It means totally having trust and faith. For me, it was helpful to talk out loud, as someone was listening to me and was about to respond. And so that was exactly what happened! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Now I know what to do with my big wishes. The funny thing is that even though I have read The Power, The Magic, and Hero, I have never read The Secret! I got it today and I am sure it is going to help me even more.
I hope that my story will help some others who were having the same questions. I also hope to be back with the big things that I have received soon!
God bless you all!