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DEFINITELY unexpected monies in the post!
Submitted by: Anon
Cheshire, EnglandA negative moaner turned positive believer - THANK YOU, thank you for the miracle of this book!!!
I was given The Secret to read by a friend at work and from the minute I began to read, I felt happier, calmer, and so much more positive about my life! I can not put my finger upon any one aspect of the book at all that brought about these changes, it’s just the way I felt (and believe, me given how negative I have been feeling for years, this was a remarkable feat!), and for that I thank the Universe on a daily basis.
I decided to begin to put into practice some of the ‘shortcuts’ the book advises and plough all my thoughts into achieving a dream of mine. My dream did not materialise when I thought it would and this left me feeling subdued, angry, and yes, sorry, negative! I stopped believing and reverted back to the other type. Did it help? Nope, I felt rubbish and unfulfilled.
Over the weekend just gone, I decided to stop moaning and re-read the book. Today I decided to focus on my abundant wealth. On the way to work my car broke down, and whilst I stood on the hard shoulder in the freezing wind and rain, I smiled to myself and thought ‘lots of money’ related thoughts. Never once did I waver.
I came home, opened the post box, and discovered a LARGE tax rebate!!!!! Plus, the car only had a minor, uncostly fault!! Thank you, wonderful Universe! The Secret is my bible for life! Everlasting gratitude and love to those who were generous enough to share these remarkable truths with us all!