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Believe in your love
Submitted by: M. PUREWAL
B.C.The Secret is truly a blessing sent from above!! Firstly I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to the whole Secret Team for sharing their knowledge. Also thanks to everyone on this site keep on posting!! I come here every day to get inspired and motivated.
I am a firm believer of live and learn my experience was with MY Mr. Perfect. He came into my life like prince charming and swept me off my feet. Unfortunately I was so tainted from my past relationships that I let my fear sabotage our relationship and did not freely love what was in front of me. I loved him dearly but constantly questioned the relationship in the back of my mind.
Well, you all know your thoughts and feelings become your reality. After I lost him it felt as though I was living without my heart. I had never felt REAL love before and didn’t realize until I lost it.
Then I came across The Power and read it within days, and reconnected with The Secret book. I then changed my attitude and undoubtedly BELIEVED that me and him were meant for each other and we would be together soon.
I created on my life canvas how I wanted him to come back into my life; I wanted him to call me and tell me how he felt about me and that he wanted to take our relationship to the next level. Guess what??? I manifested my love back into my life and we are happier now than ever before. I am living the AMAZING life that I am meant to live.
NEVER give up. If it feels right then give it the love it deserves.