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Believe Each Word From The Secret Is True.
Submitted by: Harshita Singh
IndiaI am 28 years old and a working woman. I have my father, mother, and two younger sisters in my family.
I had read The Secret and I started applying it the very first day that I read it. Thank you to the Universe for letting me read The Secret at this correct time.
Here, I will share a very small part of my life that happens to me daily. Whenever I leave for the office, I imagine that the roads are empty, and there is no traffic on the road. And so be it. That is exactly how it is now. I don’t have to apply my breaks even once before I reach my office.
The best part is that, initially, it took me some time to imagine it and bring it to me but after 5 days I no longer had to imagine it. I know it, and so it is! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
The aura around me is so positive since I have applied The Secret to my daily life. I get discounts on everything I want. Everything is so easy. There is a lot more to come, and I will share more stories.
Thank you, Universe.