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Submitted by: Tanya
HaryanaI am a teacher by profession and I really like to do my work with all my mind and body. It really calms my body.
I am very happy to share all my experiences with all of you. I hope you also learn and are inspired by my story. This all started a very long time ago when I met a friend. I am very thankful for that day when I called him and he picked up his phone. I felt a strong connection with him but I did not believe in love at that time so I did not think about it.
After some time passed we became very good friends and he told me about The Secret. That night we did not sleep. I remember he shared a Youtube video with me and we watched the full movie of The Secret together. From that day on my life started to change. I felt like I had real power in my hands as if I could fly and run and no one would be able to catch me. I really enjoyed it and I did many things.
It was during this time that I started my career as a private teacher in my own coaching center. After knowing about the power of the law of attraction, I changed many things and more and more students started enrolling at my center. I would do my work and I was always checking my power and my ability to believe in the Universe.
Yeah, one more thing. We call this power ‘Srishti’ and it really is very helpful to call it by an understood name. So after some time when my belief became even stronger and I was really enjoying my power, I became very serious about my coaching. I really want to grow my coaching business and do whatever it would take to have that happen and see those results.
Of course, I was getting good results but there was also something missing. I have always had a fear of losing everything. So when I would feel this I would start again with good thoughts and believe in Sarishti for all destiny. But trust me, if you let yourself be free and let it go then The Universe will do anything that you want.
So without thinking about my negative thoughts, I would just think about night and winter because that always makes me feel more positive and more energetic. I would try to be excited and happy for no reason. I watch the Universe from a different perspective and then everything becomes very beautiful. I learned to really believe in myself and that really changed my life too. Any time I was feeling unsure I would say to myself, “You can do it, you can do it, you can do it, you can do it!” I would start to cry and say, “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes, I can do it! Yes, I can do it! Yes, I can do it! I said this with all my energy! I would think and focus on my desire and then let it go.
Let it go to the Universe and somehow the Universe will make good situations show up for you. But you should be very aware and be ready to take inspired action. Look at that right situation and grab it when the Universe gives it to you and then you will see magic all day! Your life becomes magical!