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It Becomes True If You Believe.
Submitted by: Luda
AsiaI am a young professional living in Asia who will be commencing my postgraduate study in the US in September this year. I love anything that is creative including art, music, travelling and making new friends.
First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Rhonda, for her relentless effort and passion in sharing the The Secret to the world in many different forms, including through The Secret-Daily Teaching application.
I first became aware of the book The Secret many years ago but did not really take it seriously. The book had been left on the bookshelf at my parents’ place for many years until the time I finally picked it up again a few months ago, when I had no choice but to come back and stay with my parents after quitting my job. Last year was one of the toughest periods in my life. The kind of work that I was given to do and the bullying at work really hit my self-esteem to a level that I started to accept that this was the reality and that I could never change anything. Finally, I couldn’t hold it anymore and instead of fighting for it, I left.
Even when I returned to stay with my parents, things did not go well at first. My parents are the kind of parents who always expect their children to be strong, and it was really, really awkward for me to express any emotional weakness to my parents. Even when I did, they simply did not know how to respond to this awkwardness and would not say anything.
I felt that the most important thing for me was not applying for new jobs, but to recover myself first. That was when I picked up The Secret again from my parents’ bookshelf. After reading it, I also bought The Power and The Magic, as well as the The Secret- Daily Teaching application. I realized that everything that happened in my life was a consequence of my negative thoughts and feelings. I have always been a perfectionist with such a high expectation towards family, boyfriend, work and to myself, including my body image, that I have never allowed myself to be happy. However, following the instructions from The Magic has dramatically changed the way I view life, and really made me felt appreciative and grateful for what I have received throughout my life. And The Magic really happened!
I have changed from a person who has been known for my grumbling and complaints about literally everything among my family and friends, to someone who now tries to see the things that I can be grateful for, even during the toughest situation. It really changes the way I feel about life and the world.
The Magic really has started to happen! The way I have been thinking about my body image has dramatically changed and people have started to tell me that I have lost weight, even though all I have been doing was to be grateful for my body. My relationship with my boyfriend has also become loving and happy, when before we fought like every single week. The way I deal with difficulties in life has also changed significantly now, so that instead of lamenting on the negative situation, I would force myself to think about the things that I can be grateful for and in that way I would become happy and energized again.
Nevertheless, I still had a huge credit card debt and despite all the instruction from The Magic, I still found myself worrying about that credit card debt every now and then. However, two days ago, The Secret- Daily Teaching app I had downloaded on my phone said that “You are now coming to understand that there is abundance for you, and it is not your jobs to work out “how” the money will come to you. It is your job to ask, to believe you are receiving, and feel happy now. Leave the details to the Universe on how it will bring it about”. When I read this, I really decided that I should believe in those words, and to not worry about the debt anymore.
And today, The Magic really happened! I got a surprise email from a very prestigious organization asking me if I was interested in a consultancy position for a short-term period, which was perfect before starting my study in September! Also I have received an email from a charity notifying me that I have been selected as one of their scholarship recipients to fund my study commencing in September.
I have come to realize that everything Rhonda has been telling people is true, if one really believes it. I will continue to practice the instructions from The Magic and hope to help other people around me receive the same blessings and change the quality of their lives, just like I have done with my life. For me, the biggest lesson I have learnt from Rhonda is that it is up to me to decide whether I can be happy or not with my life, not by any external sources, and use The Power to be grateful even during the hardest times.