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360o turn around
Submitted by: Sarah Allen
Myrtle Beach, SCI am a 49 year old mother, raised two boys by myself. Now living and loving life.
I had gone through several trails in my life. From living in a battered woman’s shelter with my youngest son, bad relationships, personal harassment from an ex, and losing my car, money, and personal items to a boyfriend I thought loved me. I had given up.
I was telling a friend what had happened to me, and she said, “Sarah, buy the DVD The Secret. Watch it 3 times and call me.”
Well, I did, and that was over a year ago. Now I am in a happy relationship with a wonderful man, my son is becoming a police officer, and I have started a business with a tax return! I now own my own company, and do not own anyone a dime!
There is much more, but I wanted to THANK YOU for “The Secret,” and I want to thank my God for every blessing in my life, every day!