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Manifested A Dream Job For The Second Time.
Submitted by: Sakura B.
MalaysiaA soul that is exploring the beauty of the law of attraction.
“Everything will fall into place.”
Hello everyone! I have started my story with this beautiful phrase because this is the truth. This story is about how my dream job is manifested.
Last year, I was looking for an internship placement. I have diligently applied at many places and only a few of them responded back to me. Then I wrote down on paper the details of how I wanted my internship placement to be. I wanted to:
– Work in an international company with international people.
– Work in an amazing working environment.
– Have easy access to public transportation.
– Have a work from home option.
And guess what?! Within a few weeks, I was selected for an interview and the workplace had met all the criteria that I had written down. I finished my internship and then I was even offered a permanent role in the company, for which I was so grateful and super happy about the offer.
I had been working there for about a year and then the situation in the company began to change. We were required to come to the office every day. We barely had a work-life balance, and it had become normal for our team members to work until late into the night. My boss also began to not recognize our work, and no matter how much we worked, we were told that our hard work was not enough. This caused two people on my team to resign. Any mistake that we made my boss would escalate to the general manager. We felt like we were working in such a chaotic situation. Our lunchtime was often taken at our desks. Once during a virtual meeting, my boss told me that I was not doing anything as I was supposed to in ‘my job role’. That hit me so hard because I had been working until late at night even without overtime. After that happened, it made me think that I should consider joining another company.
On that day I wrote a message to the Universe. Below is the exact message that I had written, I am just going to copy and paste it below:
Dear Universe,
I am grateful for the wonderful job I have currently. I love my team members and colleagues. They are so guiding and helpful to me. I am also so grateful for my wonderful clients. They are so cooperative and encouraging. I am thankful for my boss, who believes in my potential and wants the best for me. I am grateful that this job is my dream. My first job is in a multinational company, and my account is an international brand. Working in XX company has given me a lot of fun and excitement. I really love the job that I am doing. It helps me to grow to such a wonderful level. I believe that everything happens for a reason. If this is where I belong until the right moment comes, I would be more than happy to work here and amazingly improve myself every day. Please guide me in the areas that need improvement. If everything happens as a sign to look for a new job, I would be grateful to leave as well. I will be applying for more jobs diligently. I will do my part so please guide me. Below is the new working environment I am grateful for:
1. A Great work-life balance.
2. An amazing salary.
3. Provides a work from home option.
4. Wonderful bosses and team members.
5. Traveling convenience to work if needed.
Thank you, Universe. I love you!”
After that, I started to apply for jobs. I attended three interviews, one in which they did not select me because they could not offer the salary I had requested. Then when the HR of another company talked to me, I felt a sense of relief and happiness. I thought this could be my sign. And guess what? I passed the interview and they even agreed for me to join 3 months later so I could honor my 3 months notice period!
I just joined this new company 5 days ago and everything on my desire checklist has been ticked! My new boss always is encouraging us to have a good work-life balance. I was offered an increment of 32% more of my salary from my previous job. I only need to go to the office two days per week, and the other three days I will be working from home. My team members are so friendly and wonderful. And it is the culture for my team members to have lunch together in the office with the bosses as well and we have so much chitchat during the lunch break. My office is located near the train station where it is very convenient, and way more cost saving than my previous company. Everything about this company is amazing. It is just like I had asked the Universe for. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Always have faith that everything will fall into place and that you deserve the very best! Thank you so very much to the Universe. I love you.