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Submitted by: Charlotte
DenmarkWe can all create our dream life, we have the magic.
I’m a single mom from Denmark, 47 years old, and a Social Worker. I have known about the law of attraction for a couple of years and I just love it. I know that I can always trust it and it’s always listening at my doors. I practice gratitude on a daily basis, several times a day. I have manifested big and small things. Yesterday I manifested a sign that everything was going to work out for me and my son and that we are on our way to better times with wealth and abundance.
I went to work and after asking for the sign and then I just forgot all about it. Until suddenly last night, I came to think of it and a split second after I had thought about it, it came to me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I am so happy and I know that wealth and abundance are coming to us now. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I live the law of attraction! In Danish.. Loven Om Tiltrækning.