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I Manifested A Laptop!
Submitted by: Catherine
KenyaA staunch believer in human potential.
I learned about the law of attraction from a friend around March in 2019. We were out roaming in the mall when she saw a number plate with 111 and told me she had been seeing the synchronicity for weeks. At first, she wanted the number as confirmation for a decision she wanted to make but over time, the numbers started ‘following’ her everywhere. She asked me whether I knew about the law of attraction and I nodded confidently although I had not even heard about it. That evening, I dove into the search and eventually landed on The Secret and read it. I believed in most of it because I had intended some things in the past and they had come to pass, but I remained sceptical about other parts of it.
I took what I saw as believable and started manifesting small things like signs, phone calls, texts, and freelance gigs because I was working as a freelance writer at the time. I tried to manifest money but it did not come in the quantities that I wanted. I would get $1, $2, and at most $10, and these occurrences were far apart. So I gave up. I was not where I wanted to be nor did I have what I wanted to have! I started pitying myself from the morning to the evening. Life became so hectic; I started losing things in ways I did not understand. Bills flooded in, I was getting sick, I hating the job, I was on bad terms with my clients, I was being underpaid, and there were delays in getting paid, or sometimes the clients were just refusing the pay.
Around September, I was so tired and angry! Then my laptop crashed and all attempts at getting it repaired had hit a dead end.
Finally, I picked myself back up after a week and dove into manifesting a specific laptop. I was so attached to my previous laptop that I tried everything I could think of to get another one. I was looking for one that was second-hand, I was seeking soft loans from friends to buy one, and I looked into leasing one but nothing worked. Then I handed it over to the Universe, or so I thought. But like many others, I obsessed over the ‘how’, as in, ‘how’ it would happen.
I read stories of how others had manifested laptops and started thinking about each scenario happening in my life. Will I bump into someone and they hand me a laptop? Will I find an envelop stashed with cash? Will it be the manufacturer giving one to me? Will I find one delivered at my doorstep? I totally obsessed over the how.
Two weeks went by and nothing. No money. No laptop.
Then I just decided to forget about getting one because it was not coming anyway. I declared it all as a “failed manifestation”. My life had to move on. I started looking for another job but could not find any jobs. However, I did not go back to negative thinking.
One day I was watching YouTube videos about the law of attraction success stories when a notification appeared at the end of the video asking, “Are you a believer?” I loudly answered. Yes!!! A few second later, another notification appeared, “Believe that it is done!” I was over the moon. I was quite thrilled that the Universe had not just ignored my wish as I had thought.
I went on looking for jobs without any luck. But I would silently tell myself, “Catherine, the ‘how’ is not yours to unearth. Let the powerful forces do it for you!” I read many more success stories to learn about how other people manifested items into their lives. Upon seeing the different ways, I had enough evidence to drown out the inner voice that kept tempting me to think about the ‘how’. I clearly understood that the Universe works in mysterious ways, and sometimes in ways that we could never have thought of.
That weekend, I went to visit my mom and younger sister. We started talking about relationships and randomly, my sister started saying how attached I was to my laptop and she started calling me ‘the clingy girlfriend’. She asked me how long I had stayed with the laptop and when I was planning on giving it up. I told her that it had crashed and had been disposed of. After revealing that I was not doing well financially, being the breadwinner, my mom agreed to get me some cash the next day. I wanted to decline. Then I drowned out that voice and asked myself, why the heck not? We agreed that I would make partial payments for a year. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I was so happy. In my mind, I swore to repay the money after a month. And, in fact, I did! I bought the laptop around November of last year. Then I landed on several projects, and I was able to repay the cash after a month.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so very much to the Universe!! Thank you to The Secret team!!! Please keep sharing your stories! I will be back with so many more!