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Pearls Have Been Manifested
Submitted by: Abby
Dayton, OHI am currently working in Advertising and loving it. I'm using The Secret to currently attract a wedding and an overseas move.
At the beginning of this year, 2008, I vowed to make some major changes in my life, even before knowing about The Secret. 2007 had been stressful and difficult, and I wanted to find more inner peace and just have a fun and exciting 2008.
One night while I was out at my normal weekend hang out, an acquaintance of mine started talking about The Secret. She said that she was going to read it on an upcoming trip. I was intrigued and decided to read it for myself.
OH My Goodness! I was hooked. This book enlightened and changed my life more that words can say.
I decided to make a vision board for myself, and one of the items on it was a pair of real pearl earrings. I had a pair of the fake ones, but I really wanted a real pair.
After hearing that one of my friends had gotten engaged, my room-mates and I decided to throw her an engagement party. It was beautiful, and we all had an amazing time.
The next week the future bride took all the roomies out to dinner to show us her appreciation, and bought us all a gift (which was definitely not expected or necessary). Low and behold, she bought us a pair of real pearl earrings to show us her appreciation. They were BEAUTIFUL, and I feel like I attracted them to me by using The Secret. Every time I look at them I remember that The Secret is real and works perfectly!
The Secret is amazing and has truly enlightened my life. I’m more calm, peaceful, and I’m ready to attract everything I really want into my life.
Thank you for revealing this secret to the world and to me!