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I Just Wanna Share My Successful Story And Lessons I’ve Learnt.
Submitted by: Khang
Tay Ninh, Vietnam.I am a 19 year old boy.
Hey everyone, my name is Khang. I am born in Vietnam and I’m 19 years old. Honestly I don’t know how to start doing “this”, submitting my story properly, so I just try I guess.
Do I have to explain why I have to submit my story here? I don’t think I do but I am just going to do it anyway. I always love to help people, I just wanna share my story so maybe someone can be inspired from mine, even though there are already so many success stories here.
I was a short, fat and ugly boy, plus I was very insecure about myself. I was bullied for how I was and who I was. I had been through a very dark time. I was made to believe that “short, fat and ugly” is all I will ever be. There were times I felt that I just wanted to give up, just end my life, you know? I am sorry if this sounds too dark but, well, you see, I’m still here! I am smiling and writing this story because I hope that I can spread hope and inspiration for people who need it.
Hell no, I didn’t give up! I still don’t know why I got treated the way I did. But that question confuses me no more because I know that I’m capable of achieving anything that I want!! I deserve the best just like everybody else does in this world.
One day I accidentally got to know about The Secret and the law of attraction. Oh, I can’t tell you how very grateful I am for becoming aware of The Secret. My life has changed ever since.
Just one of many things that changed for me was that I managed to grow taller. I grew from 5’1 to 5’11. I grew 10 inches, not in a year but over 5 years. People told me I would never grow taller than I was because of my genes. Don’t let people tell you the stories they want you to hear. Tell yourself what you want to hear.
I know that I can be anything I want, how I want, who I want. And so can you. You have to know that you are you. You and I, we are given the same power just as anybody else. Look, I’m not here to tell that you must be tall or something, I’m not trying to say “short” is something bad. I know that beauty comes in all shapes and forms and sizes. I just wanna say that I don’t let people tell me how I will be, I don’t let them decide my life for me.
I was so desperate to find someone to love me the way I wanted but I didn’t love myself, I didn’t accept how I was. But now I do, I love myself and you should love yourself first, it’s the best feeling in the world. Just enjoy your life and be happy. It was why you were born.
Thank you, Rhonda. Thank you to the Universe. Thank you for everything.