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Submitted by: Aisha
Cebu, PhilippinesA registered nurse, whose spirit refuses to be broken when hospitals have been slamming their doors on her job applications.
Almost everybody is ranting about their wishes come true, by virtue of applying the law of attraction in their lives. I read it all, on Rhonda Byrne’s email newsletter, The Secret Scrolls.
But how often does one really learn how to apply the Secret, if their wishes are granted in speed?
This is my story.
A friend at work (call center) introduced me to the Secret, and as soon as I learned about it I applied it. It worked wonders in my life. My wishes came true: wish after wish after wish. One of my wishes even involved getting out of that very same job that brought me the knowledge of the Secret. Every day I tried to reform my life, from past mistakes that I cannot escape, to plans that consume my thoughts regarding the near future. Still, I got all my wishes come true: wish after wish after wish. Until one did not. And another didn’t. And so forth…
I couldn’t understand why. Where are now my wishes that are supposed to come to me by “default”? I don’t get it.
Then I had the answer. It was right at my feet.
So many times this answer has been revealed to me that I already lost count. Only now that I realized it in its entirety. I’m being tested. The greater the delay, the better the wish. Longer deliveries mean that the universe is seeking for a way to give you your wish in its most abundant form. Waiting is also a test of faith, and none of this is more evident than in looking for a job.
After the call center I applied as a staff nurse, and I had been rejected, hospital after hospital. I never got a call. Right now I’m still scouring the city for jobs open to nurses, but to no avail. I cried, lost hope, broke down. Still, a small voice inside me tells me to be happy, to smile, to be hopeful. The voice tells me that it’s such an awful waste of every living breath to be sad or to be desperate, that I’m wasting my time on earth to give in to despair or to lose hope. It’s something that I’ve observed these past few months already, and it’s the only thing that keeps me going. I try to shift my thoughts of joblessness to mental visions of myself wearing white, carrying out doctors’ orders, or holding a child in pain. I envisioned myself sitting on the interview, shaky but confident. I pictured myself on my first day at work. I imagine the day when I receive my very first salary as a staff nurse. I sleep at night with nothing but thoughts on what I want to become. This very minute, I’m doing that.
THOUGHTS. BECOME. THINGS. Somebody said that.
No calls yet, but I cannot afford to be angry at those who rejected me. It’s a waste. I want to live a life of happiness and optimism and positivity, even when I’m surrounded by the opposite. This law of attraction is not just a revelation on wishes coming true, but also it is a test of faith, a measure of men and women…
Life’s a journey, don’t you think? It is a constant learning process, enabling you to grow and learn, to discover what it means to live. These virtues the law of attraction has taught me: LOVE, GRATITUDE, FAITH. These three things are easier said than learned, and it may take a lifetime to do so. But hey! Who’s in a hurry?
Almost everybody is ranting about their wishes come true, by virtue of applying the law of attraction in their lives. But how often does one really learn how to apply the Secret, if their wishes are granted in speed?
This is my story.