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Proof That This Actually Works!
Submitted by: Joe M
Ontario CanadaI'm just a simple man that lives to research and learn about anything I can. Although extraordinary, I prefer being humble in everything I do.
I have not watched the news since 1998 since I find it just a filler of negativity, masked as information that all must know. I watched The Secret DVD after buying it and loved it! I started applying it wherever I could and started getting results on small levels but I thought that it could simply be a coincidence. Then I did a real test! I asked for my close friend from 20 years ago that lives in eastern Canada, to be in front of me and I wanted to be able to see him and hear him.
Two days later I was watching the NHL playoffs on TV and also writing my new novel on my computer. When the last few minutes of the game were on, there was no way the Jets could lose against the Preds, so I continued typing and never turned the TV off. I was so focused in my writing that I zoned out for about a half hour, not noticing The National was on.
Then, low and behold, I heard a voice I knew on the program. As I turned to see who it was, there on the TV was none other than my old friend that I had asked the Universe to be in front of me and so that I could hear him! I was in absolute awe!
Although this was not specifically what I meant, the Universe had him in front of me and I could hear him after all these years. I then learned to be more specific with what I ask for and since then I have been living the dream.
This actually works as long as you follow the steps. Thank you for putting this out in the world! Thank you, thank you, thank you!