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Submitted by: sandeep sran
canadaI am happily married and holding 3 jobs right now, living a very happy life and experiencing magical things every day.
We had a snowfall warning for Sunday and Monday for about 10-20 cm snow. I am a new driver and I don’t have experience driving on slippery roads. My husband was out of town for the week.
I had an appointment to go to. I woke up Monday morning, scared to look out because of the snow warning. I had a lot of things to take care at home before I went for my appointment. I was in doubt that I would not make it to my appointment.
Suddenly I remembered that if I stay in doubt I won’t be able to do anything. I started saying thank you, for letting me drive on the clean road. I imagined the snow would fall after I get back home and parked my car.
I finished everything, went to my appointment and was saying thank you, thank you, thank you on my way while I was driving. I was 10 minutes early for my appointment. When I finished up, I went outside and the roads were still clean, no snowfall.
I start driving again saying thank you, thank you, thank you. I got home, parked my car, went upstairs to my apartment and looked out the window. The roads starting to become white. I took a picture and sent it to my husband. I was so thankful to the universe and so happy to see The Secret and The Magic working. It happened exactly the same as I had imagined.
I promised myself to write a story on The Secret website while I was driving home!
Thanks a million to The Power of the Universe and The Secret team for bringing The Secret into my life and for introducing me to happiness.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!