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Just Ask!
Submitted by: Lexi Z.
Washington, DCI'm a 33 year old grad student and high school teacher who discovered The Magic of The Secret about 5 years ago and have been using it to live my dream life!
I’ve never written my story on here but something so magical happened today that I had to share it!
So about a week ago, I checked my bank account and it was getting pretty low. Normally, when my account gets low and payday is far away and I have bills due, I transfer money from my savings account into my checking account. But I decided this time I wanted to get the money from somewhere else. So I decided to ask the universe. I decided that the amount I needed to cover the extra bills was $1,000. So I asked the universe for this exact amount and visualized myself receiving a $1,000 check. I didn’t know where the money would come from but that didn’t matter, I know the universe delivers.
By the way, before I began using The Secret I used to get anxiety when I checked the mail because I hated receiving bills. But now I tell myself prior to checking it, that I get only good things in the mail, such as checks, and now I get excited to check the mail because I get only good things.
So today I checked the mail.I had forgotten about my request but I saw a pink card addressed to me from my grandparents. My grandparents rarely send me anything in the mail these days, as they have a difficult time writing. When I saw the card, I was extremely grateful and it brought tears to my eyes.
Of course, inside was a check for $1,000 for my birthday, which has passed two months ago!!
Thank you, Rhonda for inspiring us all with the Secret! Thank you, Universe for delivering The Magic every day! And thanks for reading this! 🙂