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I Love Me and So Does He!
Submitted by: Merri M.
Honolulu, HI.My husband and I had been having problems in our marriage and with communicating for many years. I considered leaving and so did he but, thankfully, we just never had the energy to actually do it. We both watched The Secret in the latter part of February and started putting into practice what we could. It was difficult because we still held onto old ideas about ourselves and our relationship, but we were willing to allow this new process to work. It was better to try than to stay stuck.
Within one month and a half, my husband’s relationships at work and with our sons had changed dramatically. There was more respect, concern and integrity present in those relationships, because he capably showed respect, concern and integrity. I was working in new fields of endeavor that was directly connected to my passion and purpose in my community and church. These separate victories raised our personal self-esteem and self-respect levels to the point that we were able to see each other in a new light. We were able to give each other a new day, because we gave a new day to our selves. We are continuing to work on ourselves and becoming better people and the result is our relationship is building also. My husband and I have accessed different teachers and their products to continue our progress and we look forward to discovering who we are individually and as partners in living life with The Secret.