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Can’t Stop Saying Thank You To You All
Submitted by: RDB
PuneA Believer ....
You All out there, The Secret Team and especially Rhonda. Thanks to you. Thanks TONS!
I came across The Secret 4 years back, I went through it several times and tried to apply it. But over a period of time I forgot it.
Suddenly during my low time, I remembered about The Secret and started playing the game on the website. And soon I started reading the Stories.
After reading stories I started believing, got much more relaxed and confident about the things I wanted. I started getting things or started getting signals. I am no more crazy now, it just comes to me. Just at peace.
I can not stop thanking you guys who are actually sharing your stories, uplifted me, and keeping me high. Thanks a lot to you all.
Thanks, Thanks ………