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The Universe Is Always Responding
Submitted by: Gregory Chongo
ZambiaPastor, professional network marketer, psycho-social counselor who loves life and hopes for huge manifestations of the universe. I am hardworking and passionate about life.
To start with, thanks a million times to Rhonda Byrne, The Secret Team and to all of you guys who leave your lovely posts to change the world with your testimonies and experiences through the sweet Secret on this precious website.
I first heard about The Secret in 2011. Many times, I watched the video while driving or at home in the evening but I never really understood what this whole thing was about. I sensed that it was a powerful thing and that I could change my life if I followed it well.
It was not until early 2013 that I finally visited the site and read many, many testimonies and really saw how real and powerful The Secret is.
Before, I used The Secret teachings many times without knowing. For example, I prayed for many sick people and got them healed using imagination, just exactly what The Secret teaches, but without knowing. Whenever I could not successfully visualize someone healed, nothing happened.
I have come to know that the universe is always responding to the state of our minds, what we say and do. Meaning, the universe brings more manifestations and attractions to us in accordance with our state of being. What a great thing it is to know we can create our own world the exact way we want by giving love and accepting the things we want.
After visiting the site, i was inspired to order The Secret book, The Power and The Magic which arrived so soon at the end on May 2013. I used The Secret to get my secret pack to me so quick. After I read the books, I fully understood The Secret.
Since then, I have used The Secret to increase my sales in my business, determine a good day, and attract good things on a daily basis. My life has really changed for the better in many many ways. I am always happy, I find 100 things to be grateful for daily. I am happy instead of being angry. Like today my friend told me she lost my copy of The Power book. Instead of being upset, I smiled and believed I will get another one soon. I have really learned that God gave us power to create whatever we want. Psalms 82, Proverbs 23.7. By the way I thought and felt that The Secret is not a christian thing, but really, it is.
Just 2 more things I need to manifest:
1. Meeting my soul mate or a good wife, if you like, and
2. Huge cash and BIG BUSINESS!
Yes, I believe the universe has already given it all to me. I have made a vision board already. Using The Secret, I attracted a beautiful girl though not an easy girl but The Secret has no respect. Hahahaha. I know the same is heading my way now.
Please guys believe with me and Magic Dust on my behalf so that I come back soon to write about this.
I love The Secret so much. I have come on this site daily to read all the testimonies on a particular day without fail since February 2013.
I hope this inspires someone to believe purely and give thanks for whatever you are asking the universe for. The universe will never fail to deliver. Just gladly ask with thanks giving, believe with thanks giving and then receive with thanks giving and like a dream, you will see your dream in front of you.
I hope this encourages someone. Be blessed.