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I Taught Myself to Be Positive.
Submitted by: Nancy M
GDL, MEXI'm a happy mother of 4 and a better person thanks to the secret.
My story began in 2007 when my husband and I were going through one of the most difficult financial times of our lives. Business was bad and a lot of clients owed us money to the point that we were broke and about to lose our home. We owed about 100,000 to the bank for our home and it just seemed impossible to get the cash in time to pay off the bank. Anyway I saw a show on Oprah about The Secret and immediately felt drawn to find and read that book. My husband gave me the book as a gift and it was life changing. I quickly made a vision board of all the things I wished for (including my favorite car which is a Land Rover), and it seems so incredible how from that day on we went from meeting people by Internet, and my husband started traveling to China and many other places making incredible business deals we had never even dreamed of. And then all of a sudden his new business partner had a Land Rover he wanted us to have because he didn’t use it anymore!!! I was freaking out, it just felt so strange that this was working so fast. Any way, I kept on visualizing that our house was paid off, and a year and a half ago my husband received a check for 100,000 the exact amount we needed to pay for our house. Now we are debt free and living a positive life, feeling grateful for everything we have and are still yet to receive. Life is wonderful! You just have to change your thinking and teach yourself be positive and the results are life changing.