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Changed my mind and got my coat back….
Submitted by: Jacqui C.
CaliforniaBeliever in the infinite power of the universe to manifest whatever we focus our minds upon.
This story took place a few years ago. It was just after New Years… some time in January. I was living in Southern California right on the beach. I had manifested an awesome apartment, a wonderful job, a bunch of neat “coincidences” … I had only been practicing The Secret for a few months, and it was exciting how my life had gone from awful to ooooh soooo wonderful in such a short time. I was miraculous.
It was kind of cold, and I had gotten a new coat. It was adorable. It was worth much more than I had paid for it. I looked like a million bucks in that coat. I wore it everywhere.
Then, one night after staying out very late with some girlfriends, my coat was nowhere to be seen. I was very upset by its disappearance… and I thought about it often for the next few days…. how awful that coat would go missing! How awful it is that I can not find my coat!! how awful….. wait… did I already affirm that like 20 times today??
That was when I realized!!! I was keeping my coat from myself by being so negative about it. So I changed my mindset and started thinking about how happy and grateful I felt that my coat came back. And that was easy to get excited about and really feel. So whenever the coat entered my head I would think about having it back and be super happy.
Within a few hours my friend called me to say that she had found my coat in the back of her car. And I nearly died laughing after I got off the phone.
Five years later, I have many greater stories than this one. I have manifested so many great things thanks to positive thinking and the abundant and generous universe in which I live. This is just a simple example of how thinking negatively or positively can have an effect. And its our choice what we think.
Thanks, everyone who shares their stories. You all are amazing. Lots of love!!