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Thank You!
Submitted by: Lily
England EssexI have had a pretty good family life but when it comes to being in love I was very unlucky. All I ever did was think about finding the right person and hope one day it would become true.
I just want to start of by saying thank you ever so much for these uplifting, positive books!
The Secret has helped me overcome my depression. I was dumped and in the worst place, all I did was cry! I was in a very dark place and couldn’t see any way out without the man I loved in my life. It was too late though, as he had already moved on.
My mum then handed me The Secret. I read it within two days. I could not put it down, just from reading The Secret it lifted my mood straight away. I have now focused on positive thoughts instead of all the negative. I have finally come to a point in my life that letting go is the best way forward. I have not won the man back, and to be honest, I don’t intend to now. But just from reading your book it lifted my spirits completely and I will now be grateful for everything in life and make sure I give gratitude each day!
I want to thank you again for getting me out my dark time and lifted me in to a much more happy positive life. Thanks again!!!!!