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Nothing Is Impossible If You Believe!
Submitted by: Seby
Kerala, IndiaA proud daughter, wife and mom.
Hi all!
I am here to share my first story with you.
I am from a locality where people are suffering water scarcity during summer times.
My family didn’t dig a well because everybody has a well in our area but there is no water in the wells.
In rainy season we will get enough water through water a connection from Panchayat, so we were not interested to dig a well only for the rainy season.
But the water scarcity increased year by year.
Finally I have decided to apply The Secret for a solution.
I read The Secret again and again. I began to understand the importance of abundant thoughts rather than the scarcity and fear.
Finally we decided to dig a well.
I thanked all the water we got in our earlier life and tried to feel maximum gratitude.
And you know what?
We dug a well and it has lots of water!!
Everyone says it’s a miracle because there is so much water scarcity in our area!!
Now I know nothing is impossible if you believe.
Thank you so much for Rhonda and all who share their stories here. You all are my inspiration to apply The Secret in my life.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!