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Money Out Of Nowhere!
Submitted by: Gratitude is my attitude.
IndiaImmensely grateful for all the blessings.
Hello everyone!
My life changed from better to great after reading and practicing The Secret!
I was introduced to The Secret by my friend and it had a profound impact on me as I was made to understand how everything happens to us in life, we receive as we ask.
I wanted some money to buy a gift for a family member, but no clue how it was going to happen as I am not working at the moment and didn’t want to borrow from anyone. But, I know nothing is impossible for God. I did my The Magic practices every day and had unwavering faith in God.
Sure enough, God sent me money in the form of an investment I had made long ago, which had been completely forgotten about by me. My mother accidentally found the papers!
I am so grateful and thankful to God for this wonderful blessing. This is just one example of how I have benefited in so many ways from knowledge of these books and the Stories published.
Thank you Rhonda Byrne for bringing The Secret, The Power and The Magic books into existence.
Just have faith and be grateful for all the blessings.